I'm happy to have my parents and parents-in-law, but I'm afraid that they are getting older. Aging is likely to rob them of their normal lives.
My father-in-law is 84 years old, my mohter-in-law is 75 years old, my father is 77 years old, and my mother is 73 years old.
And my mother is living in a nursing home, because she can no longer walk after the second heart attack. When I made the decision to replace her there, I felt the tremendous sense of guilt and sadness. But I have no choice except visiting her every weekend.

This weekend I visited my parents-in-law. I felt sorry for not having done many things for them. My father-in-law has a severe asthma, so he has problems eating or drinking due to shortness of breath.
Do you have any special plans for your old parents when they are physically or mentally incapable of self-care?
Hi, Kate!!1
Tough Question!!!
I just save much money. Nothing Special.
I experienced the similar situation. My grandmother had a stroke, so she could't move at all. Whenever I had time, I bathed her as many times as passible. However, it was not easy. Giving her a bath took over two hours.
At that time, I really felt I was helpless.
I'm really worried about my mother's future. So I effected a Silver Insurance for her at Korea Teacher's Fraternal Insurance. I deposit for 20 years and after that they insure till the end. And I can pay back my deposit.
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